Study: Gender roles reinforced & debunked in mobile space

According to a new study from PlayScience and the Casual Games Association, roughly 30% of US parents are more likely to let their sons choose their own apps versus their daughters.
August 12, 2015

While retail stores are busy blurring the lines between boys and girls labeling, it looks like the kids mobile gaming space is experiencing its fair share of gender discrepancies.

A June 2015 study from New York-based innovation and development company PlayScience and the US Casual Games Association finds that parents of kids ages six to 14 are 30% more likely to let their sons choose their own apps versus their daughters. About 10% of parents also prefer to buy apps that focus on academic skills for their daughters, while 13% of parents admit to being more likely to pay for an app for their son.

This behavior among parents, according to PlayScience, continues to be a surprising reality when it comes to apps. Also noteworthy is the fact that girls are 30% more likely to prefer apps that are humorous, which goes against pre-conceived notions that boys prefer the funny stuff.

In terms of what kids in general like the play when they want to learn something new, games such as Minecraft, Angry Birds and Trivia Crack sit on par with more traditional educational apps such as The findings point to few distinctions between what constitutes playing and learning – which is meaningful to both developers and educators.

The study, which surveyed more than 1,300 US kids and their parents, also finds that half of kids play with their favorite app every single day, and 85% of kids play with it at least several times a week. In addition, when it comes to mobile play, kids prefer tablets to smartphones nearly two to one.

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