Infographic: How five years has changed UK kids’ digital consumption

It's visually eye-opening to see just how much has changed in terms of kids' mobile, gaming and social networking habits over a five-year span. Here, UK-based digital marketing platform SuperAwesome, which houses the largest kids research panel in the region, has mapped out a compelling crop of comparative data from 2009 to 2014. One overarching theme? Today’s kids are considered to be more creators than consumers, so prepare to be inspired.
May 1, 2014

Within the interactive world, time may as well be akin to dog years. At this rate and speed at which kids are adopting and inspiring new devices, services and networks, it’s as if seven years’ worth of progress are being compressed into one.

So it’s visually eye-opening to see just how much has changed in terms of kids’ mobile, gaming and social networking habits over a five-year span. Here, UK-based digital marketing platform SuperAwesome, which currently houses the largest kids research panel in the region, has mapped out a compelling crop of comparative data from 2009 to 2014.

Among the most staggering statistics, gathered over five years from UK kids ages four to 14, is the fact that 62% of kids see their friends less than they once did back in 2009, and, contradictory to recent studies conducted by Nielsen, traditional TV-watching on a daily basis has dropped by 10% since 2009. One overarching theme? Today’s kids are considered to be more creators than consumers, so prepare to be inspired:

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